Your reliable business security partner
RISE Security Services
Ascent Security Group (ASG), dba, RISE Armored Services and RISE Security Services, began operations in the fall of 2022. By offering our employees competitive wages, unparalleled benefits and experienced managers to lead the way, the company is flourishing and experiencing tremendous growth, with no end in sight. ASG currently has over 50 full-time employees. To serve clients and employees efficiently, ASG has a fully staffed office located in Huntsville, Alabama.
RISE security services strives to be the leader in customer service for the contract security industry. By offering competitive wages, the best benefits in the industry and tenured local management, RISE is dedicated to developing long-term relationships with our officers and clients.
Why choose RISE Security
100+ years of experience
Competitive pricing
Response Time
Modern Approach
Great Client Support
Customer Service
Meet our specialists
Diana Bright
International banking expert
Alexander Swift
Fonder, economist, crypto currency expert
Anna Redwood
Banking expert
Tiffany Brown
Accounting expert
Richard Green
Finance expert, marketing director